Address societal challenges

Our aim is to connect people for a better, fairer, more prosperous world and we’ll sharpen the focus of our philanthropy and community activities on health and education. We’ve set some ambitious goals to reach by 2025: to raise USD 1 billion in donations to our client philanthropy foundations and funds, to reach 25 million beneficiaries, and to support one million beneficiaries in learning and developing skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship through our community investment activities.

Support a diverse workforce

Gender, race and ethnicity, LGBTQ+, disability, veterans, mental health matters. Our strategy is to continue to shape a diverse and inclusive organization that is innovative, provides outstanding service to our clients, offers equitable opportunities and is a great place to work for everyone. By 2025, we aspire to

  • • Increase the percentage of women in our director level and above population to 30%.
  • • Reach a 26% representation of underrepresented ethnicities at the director level and above in the US and to increase our ethnic minority senior management (directors and above) headcount by 40% in the UK.

Partnerships for a better world

Together we can achieve systemic change.

  • • We’ll continue to share best practices and engage with regulatory authorities, central banks, policymakers, academia and peers to facilitate the development of robust methodologies to help leverage the potential of the financial services sector potential to drive change
  • • We’ll engage with standard setters to help develop and support policies, standards and regulations that will enable the necessary transition of the whole economy.
  • • Together with other leading banks and academia, we’ve launched Banking for Impact to define new methodologies to measure and quantify the impact of our businesses on all our stakeholders.

Our sustainability offering

It’s an integral part of what we do. Whether you’re an institutional investor, corporate client or a private client, we want to help you reimagine the power of investing.
The world is changing rapidly and so are investors’ priorities.1
It’s becoming increasingly important to consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors with any investment. Why? Because companies that follow sustainability practices may see benefits to their businesses, making them potentially good investments—for your portfolio and for our future.

We believe sustainability matters for all investors

In 2020, 1 NY Developers Group LLC made sustainable investments its preferred solution for wealth management clients wishing to invest globally.3 Whether you are primarily focused on financial returns or seeking to drive sustainable outcomes, ESG considerations can highlight risks and present new investment opportunities.2
As the world‘s leading sustainable investment manager, we‘re not new to sustainable investing.4 Having taken our first steps decades ago, we reached close to a trillion dollars in core sustainable investment assets at the end of 2020.5
Sustainability is central to our purpose, so it’s only natural that we’re putting sustainable investing where it belongs: at the heart of what we do.

Consider what matters when you invest

With any investment, it is important to understand the factors that can impact returns
Sustainable investing expands that set of considerations beyond financials to include
ESG issues that can affect companies, cities and industries—and your returns.

What is sustainable investing?

Sustainable investing is not an investment product, or an asset class. It’s an investment philosophy. Investors increasingly show interest both in better understanding the positive and negative impacts of their investments on society and the environment, and in incorporating these considerations into how they construct and manage their portfolios.